Earning PDUs

Hi guys, I am freaking out and am hoping you  can help me. 

I cleared my PMP back in Nov 2012, and have to complete the 60 PDUs by Nov this year. What are the best reources I can look into to get my PDUs? I have logged 15 as a continuing practioner (category F). Can you please guide me regarding the rest 45? Thanks so much in advance!

admin's picture

Thank you, admin. I saw that thread after I posted this. Thanks for compiling that info.

Here are quick 38 PDUs

1. Introduction to PMP exam=10 PDUs

2.Scrum Fundamental Certified =10 PDUs

3. Six Sigma yellow belt=8 PDUs

the above three are from VMedu,INC

4. Six Sigma white belt=5PDUs from Aveta Business Institute

5. Project Search and Rescue-Identification and recovery of lost projects=5 PDUs Prodevia Learning,Inc.

If you are going to take PMI.org memebership then listen/watch thier free webinar for remaining PDUs. I got certified on April 25 this year and am done collecting the 60 PDUs  Yay! for me :)

Hope it helps.

Take Care,




Hi Jay

You can check our blog on earning 60 PDUs , it can save some $$s for you.



Kindly confirm: after becoming PMP certified, would i need to take "Introduction to Proj Magmt" to earn the 10PDU's as indicated above? The PDU's are part of the 60 required to maintain certification in 3yrs.

