Memorizing inputs and outputs ?

A common question for most people starting PMP Certification preparation is , do I have to memorize Inputs, Tools and outputs for each process. ?

The answer to this question is both YES and NO.

You need to memorize some key inputs, tools & techniques and outputs (ITTO). But not all of them. If your concepts are clear, then by the time you read the PMBOK and Rita's book few times you will already have memorized quite a lot of them.

However you do not have to memorize ITTO for each process outlined. You need to have a general understanding as to what would be ITTO for Planning, Executing and Monitoring and Control.

Check out the article on PM Zilla to help you in memorizing ITTO and also to help you answer key questions in exam.


Hi Admin,

The link to "article on PM Zilla" is not working. I'm getting a page not found error. Your help is appreciated.

Thank You.

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